No! to Rape Culture is a group of womxn and non-binary members of Portland's DIY music subcultures. We are an action-based organization that aims to dismantle the patriarchal structures within the punk/hardcore/metal "scene." We strive to approach this work through an anti-racist, anti-oppression lens, rejecting the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy in which rape culture thrives. By strengthening the connections among people of historically marginalized genders, we intend to cultivate safer spaces, and eliminate abuse and sexual violence in our communities.

What we do:

· We educate folx of all genders through literature, workshops, and events.
· We offer practical tools for all people to work on dismantling rape culture within their communities.
· We focus on systemic change rather than individual call outs.
· We can provide references for survivors and allies in need of crisis intervention, support, or other resources related to sexual safety & trauma.
· We actively create spaces for female-identified/trans/gender-non-conforming members of DIY subcultures to interact and connect with one another.
· We work with other radical & social justice oriented groups to create stronger and more inclusive communities.
· We reject toxic masculinity as the “norm” within our subcultures.

What we don’t do:

· We are not a crisis line, counseling, or a support group. While we can provide resources when needed, our focus is on prevention rather than reaction.
· We do not do individual call outs or provide accountability processes as a group. Members of No! to Rape Culture may engage in these actions at times, but this is not the intention of the group.
· We don’t gossip or share others’ experiences without their explicit permission.
· We do not welcome law enforcement into our spaces, and we are opposed to the prison industrial complex. However, we will never shame a survivor for seeking legal recourse against a perpetrator.
· We will not Google things for you or do all the work for you. Dismantling rape culture provides effort and accountability from everyone.
· We do not cater to dominant / normative culture.